Thursday 5 August 2010

In the beginning..

Ok, so rumour has it blogs are the way to go, it's 2.55am and i'm sat here wondering how i can get some more business for my new Stockport Photographic Studio. It is a genuine photographers playground and some pretty decent photographers have used it, loved it and used it again, so why have i not got people queing at the door...maybe this blog thingy will help...but how do i get people to notice this blog...hmmm..i must investigate further..oh and if by some stroke of magic anybody is actually reading this, details of my Studio can be found on    i'll be back  !

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jim,

    I'll def be using it at some point, just need another job to come along that wants indoor studio work...everyone seems to be asking for location work as the weather is better...when it's colder maybe then people will come flocking!!
